Saturday, December 24, 2016

Kallu Says Sumera won election on behalf of Dhandli....

Member Provincial Assembly and the PML-N chief Parliamentarian Group Malik  Mohammad Waris kallu   said that smyra group fraud and Returning Officers were joined with those who take saw Members vote to force the smyramlk but we do not admit defeat in a vote they did that smyramlk PTI vote for their success can be attributed to the n success n votes we 29 smyramlk garnered 22 votes and the difference that it is the first election and the last election, it is clear that the kilo class standing with us, we will not accept under any circumstances the rule of smyramlk at Khushab the vote thieves have been known to bring to power the door Tiwana and Shuja Khan Baloch people repeatedly rejected.


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