Wednesday, December 28, 2016

ECP has declared null and void the election of the District Council Khushab Chairman

Chief Election Commisioner
Sardar Raza Khan, the Commission's four-member bench has declared null and void the election of the District Council Khushab Chairman and Vice-Chairman and of the head in order to re-select the chairman of the District Council members candidate country partly Amir Haider in which Singh has been minister's request he shall stand adopted that open vote of ten members smyramlk district Council, which is a violation of Rules Returning Officer Abdul hyacinth prayzydng officer Israr Ahmed as stand support the Commission smyramlk as a chairman and Vice chairman cancels selection of Masood Nazir Rajar this election chief Sangha than 33 lost by 32 votes, Election Commission open vote of five members and returning the abzuysn Officer and is also taking legal action against prayzydng Officer

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