Friday, August 19, 2016

India was never a friend of Pakistan،Usmani

International ended prophecy Price Movement Senior Vice President Qari Shabbir Ahmed Usmani said that the Prime Minister's speech baht Pakistan rivalry of being in Balochistan, he said that India was never a friend of Pakistan. maybe the government does not take any chance of a conspiracy against Pakistan he was addressing a meeting of party officials mosque main market Khushab city, he said India is our eternal enemy, pick up nails our rulers India must complete bike should cut Indian intelligence agency RAW in Balochistan and Sindh in Pakistan have involved terrorism clearly provide evidence even after contacting the silence of our country is subtle Secretary International Finality of Prophethood is Mohammad Ejaz Shakir sure that should the nations notices of the growing brutality huge leap troops in Kashmir is a fundamental right of Kashmiris to break mountains atrocities on innocent Kashmiris troops in Indian Kashmir innocent Indian aggression and September 7 innocent martyred Kashmiri youth is being disabled need the United Nations to take notice of atrocities on Kashmiris and the Kashmir freedom should be according to the UN resolutions, he added in Chenab Nagar International Prophecy conference will take part over a large number of officials and activists from across the country meeting Maulana Qari Mohammad Mushtaq Ahmed, Qari Mohammad Kamran, Mohammad Usman Khawaja peace committee member, Khwaja Mohammad Nadeem Khan Baloch, Mohammad Saifullah, Khawaja Mohammad Ilyas and others.


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